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PHONE: 435-628-2462

Attendance Policy

PER FERPA: As long as the student is a dependent and as long as he/she is living at home, the parents retain all of their FERPA rights. 

Students are expected to be in class at all times. The Washington County School Board strives to make every effort to be in compliance with state laws and to encourage the regular attendance of all Washington County students. The District believes this to be in the best interest of the students and the community. The Board, together with Washington County Schools, is committed to work in harmony with parents/guardian and to assist them with their responsibility to have their children in attendance at school.  If a student’s attendance becomes chronic, the student will be granted a change of opportunity to see if they can figure out a way to thrive and attend school more consistently at Millcreek High School. Intervention Stages/Criteria (Tier 1, Tier 11, and Tier 111) were created to do so, for more information ask your students TA or the attendance secretary, Brinlee Morris at 628-2462 Ex 5229.


  T =   Tardy

            A tardy is reporting to class after the bell to start class has sounded. 

            Tardy is less than 5 minutes late. A parent can excuse the first tardy                                                                                                                                                

            of the day when the student is arriving at school late.

             (4) tardies = 1 unexcused absent           

   E = Excused Absence

           An excused absence is to be excused by a parent / guardian in a timely                                 

            manner, consistent with state law and this policy.

   X = Unexcused Absence

           An unexcused absence is any absence that is not excused by a parent/

           guardian, consistent with the definitions and provisions of this policy.

   M = Medical/ Chronic Illness (Doctors Note)

   A  = School Related Activity

   O  = Office Excused

   C  = Covid-19 Positive

   N  = Quarantine

   R  = Court/ Detention

   S  = Truant

            A truant absence is when a student is absent from the assigned class,

            Without parental or school knowledge and this absence does not meet

             the standard of an excused or exempt absence.

    I  =  In School Suspension

    Z  = Suspension


  1. Each day parents will be notified by phone if a student misses at least one class period.
  2. Parents are encouraged to monitor their student’s attendance from this notification using “Power School” or by calling the attendance secretary, Brinlee Morris (628- 2462  Ex 5229, or email  gro.21khsaw@sirrom.eelnirb ).
  3. In the case of excessive absence a Student Review Board (SRB) will be called by the Teacher Advocate (TA) and will include the student, parent, teachers, counselor, and principal may also be included, and the student will be granted a change of opportunity, “The Cycle of Opportunity”.